Majlis Guru Cemerlang Kluang First Meeting
En Ismail chairing the meeting
Committee Members
Date: 11 Feb 2010
Venue: SMK Jalan Mengkibol
Alas the first Majlis Guru Cemerlang Kluang meeting finally took off at SMK Jalan Mengkibol today. It was a fruitful meeting chaired by acting chairperson, En Ismail Yon. Programmes for 2010 were outlined and they include:
* Video-taping of Best Practices in the classroom
* Peer Coaching (Rakan Sebimbing)
* KILAS programme (UPSR, PMR & SPM)
* Visit to a High Performance School
* Family Day
I raised five matters in this meeting:
* the need for GC to publish anything related to their subjects and expertise
* GC must lead in innovation (in line with PPD Kluang's declaration that 2010 is 'Year of innovation') Click here for the relevant forms: Form 1 and Form 2
* a networking with UTM or UTHO as they have a vast wealth of expertise which can be tapped
* that the MGC Kluang blog be uploaded with T & L materials from all subjects
* that the issue of GC doing something for 'personal glory' be addressed
Hjh Khalidah (state secretary) informed all present of the state convention for excellent teachers which will take place from 22-23 April 200. Ten representatives from each district will be selected to attend the conference. On a more serious note, Hjh Khalidah pointed out the comments by the Inspectorates that there has been a lot of complaints on the quality of the new GCs appointed without observation. She found this to be somewhat demotivating to the new GCs. My opinion on this is, you just have to prove them wrong because there is just no other way.
At the JPN level, the officer in charge of GC is now En Jasmi Omar (replacing Tn Hj Shamsudin Haron who was recently promoted as principal) and En Nor Azrin from the Inspectorates (replacing Pn Haizan). Pn Zanariah, a senior GC aptly pointed out the inconsistencies in the election of the present line-up and suggested that it be relooked. I think this is a relevant point because the election of the present office bearers was not conducted in the right way. The meeting therefore agreed that an extraordinary AGM (tentative date 25th March) will be called to resolve the matter- a step in the right direction.
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